Character Information
Name: John Deere
Profession:Master Sorcerer
World:Dinera OTS
Balance:0 Gold Coins.
Guild:Member of the WAR
Last login:15 March 2025, 12:56 am
Character views:49 times
Player Health: 985/985
Player Mana:4835/4835
Player Level:168
Player Experience:77268743 EXP.

PvP Statistics (numbers below represent the amount of use of a rune or spell.)
Magic Wall Rune Paralyze Rune Heal Friend Spell
155 timess 0 times 0 times

Exp History K = 1,000 (Thousand) | M = 1,000,000 (Milion) | B = 1,000,000,000 (Bilion)
2 days ago+23.23M
3 days ago+40.12M
4 days ago0
5 days ago0
6 days ago0
7 days ago0
7 days sum+77.27M

Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fishing
168 90 10 10 10 10 28 25 10

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Quests List on Dinera OTS
0/84 Quests Completed in 0%
Greenhorn Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 30 +)
Hero Quest (Pyre lvl 50 +)
Scrapper Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 50 +)
Banshee Quest (Carlin lvl 60 +)
Sam Old Backpack Quest (Kazordoon lvl 60 +)
Helmet of The Ancients Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 75 +)
Behemoth Quest (Edron lvl 80 +)
Quara Quest (Gengia lvl 80 +)
Dreamers Challenge Quest (Venore lvl 80 +)
Warlord Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 80 +)
Pits of Inferno Quest (Venore lvl 80 +)
Annihilator Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Demon Helmet Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Inquisition Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Demon Oak Quest (Venore lvl 120 +)
Excavation Quest (Pyre lvl 150 +)
Average Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 150 +)
Yalahari Quest (Yalahar lvl 150 +)
Underground Dragon Quest (Gengia lvl 180 +)
Constructor Quest (Vip Land lvl 200 +)
Mystical House Quest (Gengia lvl 200 +)
Strong Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 200 +)
Dark Gate Quest (Gengia lvl 200 +)
Annihilator Continuation Quest (Edron lvl 200 +)
Demonolog Quest (Vip Land lvl 220 +)
Demon Helmet Continuation Quest (Edron lvl 220 +)
Arathar Quest (Pyre lvl 240 +)
Santa Teddy Quest (Pyre lvl 250 +)
Underground Plant Quest (Vip Land lvl 250 +)
Hard Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 250 +)
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Last Deaths
15.03.2025, 0:56:06Died at level 169 by a frost dragon, by Ee Mes and by Ifuseemeudie.
14.03.2025, 23:51:40Killed at level 168 by Draxon Blaze, by Em Ees and by a frost dragon.
14.03.2025, 22:43:58Killed at level 168 by Greatest Of All Time, by Xessior, by Manuelkaa, by Donald Trump and by John Deere.
14.03.2025, 22:36:49Killed at level 169 by Greatest Of All Time, by Xessior, by Donald Trump, by Manuelkaa, by Ms Dojebany, by a beholder and by Klin Kokos.
14.03.2025, 21:26:06Killed at level 169 by Cierlik, by Perez Na Bombie, by Xessior, by Manuelkaa, by Awantura, by Donald Trump and by Vodka.
14.03.2025, 20:24:31Killed at level 170 by Hwang Sun Hong, by Hong Myung Bo, by Kim Tae Young, by Dong Jun Kim and by Kim Dong Jin.
14.03.2025, 16:01:31Killed at level 166 by Wowuk, by Kinger, by Fighter and by Vovuk.
14.03.2025, 16:00:21Killed at level 167 by Wowuk, by Kinger, by Vovuk, by a frost dragon and by Fighter.
14.03.2025, 14:07:26Killed at level 166 by Ms Dojebany and by a frost dragon.
14.03.2025, 13:06:58Killed at level 166 by Ftxrz, by Avery, by Clxpz and by Stxrz.

Last Frags
14 Mar 2025, 22:43 He fragged John Deere at level 168. (Justified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:36 He fragged Draxon Blaze at level 204. (Unjustified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:11 He fragged Manuelkaa at level 239. (Unjustified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:11 He fragged Ms Dojebany at level 206. (Unjustified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:10 He fragged Phoenix Old at level 240. (Justified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:10 He fragged Greatest Of All Time at level 228. (Justified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:10 He fragged Szwagier at level 188. (Unjustified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:09 He fragged Amfqu at level 203. (Unjustified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:09 He fragged Perez Na Bombie at level 211. (Unjustified)
14 Mar 2025, 22:09 He fragged Manuelkaa at level 240. (Unjustified)

Account Information
Notations: 0
Criminal records: 0

1. John DeereDinera OTS168 Master SorcererOnline

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