Character Information
Name: Clown Afkie
Profession:Royal Paladin
World:Dinera OTS
Balance:0 Gold Coins.
House:Alai Flats, Flat 01 (Thais)
Guild:Member of the CLOWNS
Last login:17 February 2025, 3:31 pm
Character views:127 times
Player Health: 3735/3735
Player Mana:5360/5360
Player Level:363
Player Experience:790332863 EXP.

PvP Statistics (numbers below represent the amount of use of a rune or spell.)
Magic Wall Rune Paralyze Rune Heal Friend Spell
2 timess 0 times 0 times

Exp History K = 1,000 (Thousand) | M = 1,000,000 (Milion) | B = 1,000,000,000 (Bilion)
2 days ago+162.53M
3 days ago+79.94M
4 days ago+5.40M
5 days ago+78.78M
6 days ago+119.59M
7 days ago+98.96M
7 days sum+545.20M

Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fishing
363 32 10 10 10 10 124 98 10

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Quests List on Dinera OTS
1/84 Quests Completed in 1%
Greenhorn Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 30 +)
Hero Quest (Pyre lvl 50 +)
Scrapper Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 50 +)
Banshee Quest (Carlin lvl 60 +)
Sam Old Backpack Quest (Kazordoon lvl 60 +)
Helmet of The Ancients Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 75 +)
Behemoth Quest (Edron lvl 80 +)
Quara Quest (Gengia lvl 80 +)
Dreamers Challenge Quest (Venore lvl 80 +)
Warlord Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 80 +)
Pits of Inferno Quest (Venore lvl 80 +)
Annihilator Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Demon Helmet Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Inquisition Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Demon Oak Quest (Venore lvl 120 +)
Excavation Quest (Pyre lvl 150 +)
Average Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 150 +)
Yalahari Quest (Yalahar lvl 150 +)
Underground Dragon Quest (Gengia lvl 180 +)
Constructor Quest (Vip Land lvl 200 +)
Mystical House Quest (Gengia lvl 200 +)
Strong Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 200 +)
Dark Gate Quest (Gengia lvl 200 +)
Annihilator Continuation Quest (Edron lvl 200 +)
Demonolog Quest (Vip Land lvl 220 +)
Demon Helmet Continuation Quest (Edron lvl 220 +)
Arathar Quest (Pyre lvl 240 +)
Santa Teddy Quest (Pyre lvl 250 +)
Underground Plant Quest (Vip Land lvl 250 +)
Hard Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 250 +)
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Last Deaths
17.02.2025, 15:31:42Died at level 364 by a grim reaper and by Tomalenko.
17.02.2025, 13:36:37Died at level 360 by a grim reaper and by Clown Tank.
16.02.2025, 23:13:22Died at level 337 by a grim reaper, by Byku, by Jestem Emesem, by Byniarz, by Krol Of Dinera and by Zgadnij Kim Jestem.
16.02.2025, 21:19:51Killed at level 338 by Byku, by Jestem Emesem, by Zgadnij Kim Jestem, by Byniarz, by Malan Old King, by Krol Of Dinera and by Cos Gramy.
16.02.2025, 5:25:27Killed at level 327 by Druisito Pk, by Funky, by Chin Relax and by Zeek.
15.02.2025, 21:20:57Died at level 323 by a demon, by a Pythius the rotten, by a undead dragon and by a diabolic imp.
15.02.2025, 20:42:43Killed at level 323 by Womans Are Hard, by Pappispeto, by Mela Na Cwela, by Selene Frostbane, by Clown Master, by Aria Moonlight, by Zewlakow and by Teczuszka.
14.02.2025, 18:38:05Died at level 322 by a grim reaper and by Pan Placzek Wojt.
14.02.2025, 17:12:34Died at level 321 by a grim reaper and by Tomalenko.
14.02.2025, 0:22:18Died at level 305 by Pythius, by a undead dragon, by a diabolic imp and by a juggernaut.

Last Frags
17 Feb 2025, 15:14 He fragged Kicha Pekla at level 108. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:14 He fragged Spi at level 107. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:14 He fragged Alaj at level 106. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:14 He fragged Erd at level 112. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:10 He fragged Spi at level 107. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:10 He fragged Kicha Pekla at level 108. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:10 He fragged Alaj at level 106. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:10 He fragged Erd at level 112. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:08 He fragged Spi at level 108. (Unjustified)
17 Feb 2025, 15:08 He fragged Alaj at level 106. (Unjustified)

Account Information
Notations: 0
Criminal records: 0

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