
Latest Normal Raids on Dinera OTS

Date Raid Name Description

Latest Boss Raids on Dinera OTS

Date Raid Name Description

Latest Hard Boss Raids on Dinera OTS

Date Raid Name Description

Gracze z Supportu z minimalna ranga Senior Tutor moga tworzyc raidy poprzez komende !raid nazwa raidu (raidy tak stworzone nie wyswietlaja sie w systemie raidow)

Normal Raids

1. Barbarian
2. Elfs
3. OrcsThais
4. Quara
5. Rats
6. Scarabs
7. Wolfsraid
8. Undead Jester
9. Nomad
10. OrcsThais2
11. Primitive
12. Hacker
13. UndeadDarashia
14. UndeadArmy
15. Wasp and Bear
16. Badger Ab
17. Troll Carlin
18. Wasp Carlin
19. Undead1 Carlin
20. Undead2 Carlin
21. Orc1 Carlin
22. Orc2 Carlin
23. Femor Hills
24. Femor Hills2
25. Amazon Camp Carlin
26. EdronWyvern
27. EdronWarlock
28. EdronOrcBerserker
29. EdronGoblin
30. EdronHunter

Boss Raids

1. Demodras
2. Necropharus
3. Pirates
4. The Old Widow
5. Hornedfox
6. Fernfang
7. Tiquandas Revenge
8. poi5
9. poi4
10. poi3
11. poi1
12. poi2
13. poi6
14. poi7
15. thul
16. Sir Valorcrest
17. Diblis The Fair
18. Hairman The Huge
19. Arachir the Ancient One
20. Zevelon Duskbringer
21. Gravelord Oshuran
22. Vampire
23. The Big Bad One
24. Renegade Orc
25. Dharalion
26. Zarabustor
27. Warlord Ruzad
28. Yeti
29. Zushuka
30. Battlemaster Zunzu
31. Flamecaller Zazrak
32. Horestis
33. Tyrn
34. Stonecracker
35. The Evil Eye
36. Grorlam

Hard Boss Raids

1. Zulazza the Corruptor
2. The Welter
3. Minishabaal
4. Ferumbras
5. Orshabaal
6. Morgaroth
7. Ghazbaran
8. Bazir
9. Morshabaal
10. Apocalypse
11. Verminor
12. Infernatil
13. Instalazer
14. Goltination

Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online

1. Mow The EliteLevel: (8)
2. Dualizm DuszyLevel: (8)
3. DetrakoLevel: (8)
4. AtrakerLevel: (8)
5. BaldurLevel: (8)
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