Date | Raid Name | Description |
10/09/2024, 23:21 | Barbarian | Scouts report a barbarian army gathering near Svargrond |
10/09/2024, 22:25 | Femor Hills2 | Hunter and Wild Warrior Attack Femor Hills in Carlin! |
10/09/2024, 21:28 | EdronHunter | Some hunters are roaming the woods north of Edron! |
10/09/2024, 20:32 | Barbarian | Scouts report a barbarian army gathering near Svargrond |
10/09/2024, 19:35 | Rats | Rat Plague in Thais! |
10/09/2024, 18:38 | Wolfsraid | Many aggressive beasts are roaming south of Ab'Dendriel! Take care! |
10/09/2024, 17:42 | Orc1 Carlin | Orcs Attack North and East Gate of Carlin! |
10/09/2024, 16:45 | Hacker | Hacker Attack Thais! |
10/09/2024, 15:49 | Undead2 Carlin | A disturbance in the ether stirs up the undead of the Ghostlands. |
10/09/2024, 14:52 | Nomad | Nomad scouts have been sighted close to the gates to Ankrahmun. |
Date | Raid Name | Description |
10/09/2024, 21:33 | Diblis The Fair | Beware of Diblis The Fair Attack Nargor Pirate Spawn! |
10/09/2024, 18:09 | Necropharus | Necropharus Attack Darashia! |
10/09/2024, 14:44 | Yeti | Yeti Attack Folda! |
10/09/2024, 11:19 | Arachir the Ancient One | Beware of Arachir the Ancient One Attack Darashia Vampire Hell! |
10/09/2024, 07:55 | Dharalion | Dharalion Attack Venore Elf Fortress! |
10/09/2024, 04:30 | poi6 | Fluffy Attack POI Hellhound Seal. |
10/09/2024, 01:05 | Tiquandas Revenge | Tiquandas Revenge are return to Port Hope. |
9/09/2024, 21:40 | poi5 | Dracola Attack POI Undead Dragon Seal. |
9/09/2024, 18:16 | Renegade Orc | Renegade Orc Attack Zao Orc Land! |
9/09/2024, 14:51 | Hairman The Huge | Hairman The Huge Attack Banuta! |
Date | Raid Name | Description |
10/09/2024, 14:08 | Ferumbras | The seals on Ferumbras old cidatel are glowing. Prepare for HIS return mortals. |
10/09/2024, 01:34 | Ghazbaran | An ancient evil is awakening in the mines beneath Hrodmir. |
9/09/2024, 13:00 | Morshabaal | Morshabaal's minions are working on his return to the World. LEAVE Edron at once, mortals. |
9/09/2024, 00:26 | Instalazer | Dangerous time for the giants to attack Ankrahmun. |
8/09/2024, 11:52 | Minishabaal | Something sinister is going on in the desert north of Darashia |
7/09/2024, 23:19 | Ferumbras | The seals on Ferumbras old cidatel are glowing. Prepare for HIS return mortals. |
7/09/2024, 10:45 | Orshabaal | Orshabaal's minions are working on his return to the World. LEAVE Edron at once, mortals. |
6/09/2024, 22:11 | Zulazza the Corruptor | A massive orc force is gathering at the gates of Zzaion. |
6/09/2024, 09:37 | Zulazza the Corruptor | A massive orc force is gathering at the gates of Zzaion. |
5/09/2024, 21:04 | The Welter | The Welter Attack Port Hope Hydra Mountain. |