Summoner with addons | | Warrior with addons | | Barbarian with addons | | Druid with addons | | Wizard with addons | | Oriental with addons | |
Pirate with addons | |
Assassin with addons | |
Beggar with addons | |
Shaman with addons | |
Norseman with addons | |
Nightmare with addons | |
Jester with addons | |
Brotherhood with addons | |
Demonhunter with addons | |
Yalaharian with addons | |
Warmaster with addons | |
Wedding with addons | |
Wayfarer with addons | |
Tasks | Progress | Count | 0% | 0/76 tasks |
30.01.2025, 13:42:04 | Killed at level 171 by Famelas, by Xhardy, by Roundy, by Coconout and by a dragon lord. | 30.01.2025, 12:25:16 | Killed at level 170 by Roundy, by Raz Ed, by Famelas, by Coconout, by a dragon lord and by Xhardy. | 30.01.2025, 11:45:13 | Killed at level 170 by Daszynskiego and by Gregorr. | 30.01.2025, 11:21:58 | Died at level 170 by a lizard high guard, by Gregorr and by a lizard dragon priest. | 30.01.2025, 8:40:08 | Died at level 169 by a lizard high guard and by Gregorr. | 30.01.2025, 2:23:48 | Killed at level 165 by Ursa Maior, by Ursa Minor, by Lean and by Gregorr. | 29.01.2025, 22:35:12 | Killed at level 160 by Jony, by Venomik, by Flamik Atakuje, by Ezoteryczny Dziad Drut, by Aethereal Oblivion, by Naoya Inoue, by Keria, by Szelest Kochamy, by Abab, by Mela Na Cwela, by AURORA QEU, by Teczuszka, by Konduktor, by Honest Hearts, by Macduff, by Perez Na Bombie and by Hop Hop Hop. | 29.01.2025, 22:26:36 | Killed at level 160 by Flamik Atakuje, by Master Doniu, by Venomik, by Keria, by Aethereal Oblivion, by Kakarotto, by Aria Moonlight, by Jony, by Ezoteryczny Dziad Drut, by Honest Hearts and by Elder Krockop. | 29.01.2025, 22:22:50 | Killed at level 161 by Honest Hearts, by Aria Moonlight, by Mela Na Cwela, by Venomik, by Jony, by Aethereal Oblivion, by Naoya Inoue, by Konduktor, by Ezoteryczny Dziad Drut, by Kakarotto, by Master Doniu, by Szelest Kochamy, by Turr Ek, by Macduff, by AURORA QEU and by Flamik Atakuje. | 29.01.2025, 22:11:47 | Killed at level 161 by Venomik, by Flamik Atakuje, by Jameson Zero Siedem, by Womans Are Hard, by Aria Moonlight, by Jony, by Keria, by Atro, by Abab, by Naoya Inoue, by Master Doniu, by Ezoteryczny Dziad Drut, by Aethereal Oblivion, by AURORA QEU, by Mela Na Cwela, by Teczuszka and by Kakarotto. |