Summoner with addons | | Warrior with addons | | Barbarian with addons | | Druid with addons | | Wizard with addons | | Oriental with addons | |
Pirate with addons | |
Assassin with addons | |
Beggar with addons | |
Shaman with addons | |
Norseman with addons | |
Nightmare with addons | |
Jester with addons | |
Brotherhood with addons | |
Demonhunter with addons | |
Yalaharian with addons | |
Warmaster with addons | |
Wedding with addons | |
Wayfarer with addons | |
Tasks | Progress | Count | 6.6% | 5/76 tasks |
5.02.2025, 10:46:52 | Died at level 230 by a diabolic imp, by a hellhound, by a destroyer, by a hellfire fighter, by a betrayed wraith and by a hellspawn. | 5.02.2025, 10:06:43 | Died at level 230 by a demon, by a hellfire fighter, by a hellhound, by a diabolic imp, by a destroyer, by a undead dragon, by a hellspawn and by a betrayed wraith. | 5.02.2025, 9:11:12 | Died at level 230 by a hellhound, by a undead dragon, by a diabolic imp and by a hellfire fighter. | 5.02.2025, 8:36:35 | Died at level 230 by a demon, by a hellhound, by a betrayed wraith, by a hellspawn, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental, by a behemoth and by a destroyer. | 5.02.2025, 8:04:45 | Died at level 230 by a demon, by a destroyer, by a behemoth, by a hellhound, by a diabolic imp, by a betrayed wraith, by a hellfire fighter, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental and by a fire elemental. | 5.02.2025, 7:32:57 | Died at level 231 by a demon, by a hellhound, by a undead dragon, by a hellfire fighter, by a hellspawn and by a dark torturer. | 5.02.2025, 7:00:57 | Died at level 231 by a demon, by a plaguesmith, by a undead dragon, by a hellhound, by a hellspawn, by a dark torturer and by a hellfire fighter. | 5.02.2025, 6:27:45 | Died at level 232 by a dark torturer, by a hellfire fighter, by a hellhound, by a destroyer and by a undead dragon. | 5.02.2025, 5:37:26 | Died at level 231 by a undead dragon, by a hellhound, by a hellfire fighter, by a destroyer and by a diabolic imp. | 5.02.2025, 5:00:50 | Died at level 232 by a demon, by a undead dragon, by a hellhound, by a hellfire fighter, by a dark torturer and by a betrayed wraith. |