Character Information
Name: Twoj Wladca
Profession:Royal Paladin
World:Dinera OTS
Balance:0 Gold Coins.
House:Castle Shop 1 (Edron)
Last login:21 February 2025, 3:10 am
Character views:44 times
Player Health: 3165/3165
Player Mana:4505/4505
Player Level:306
Player Experience:470875602 EXP.

PvP Statistics (numbers below represent the amount of use of a rune or spell.)
Magic Wall Rune Paralyze Rune Heal Friend Spell
30 timess 0 times 0 times

Exp History K = 1,000 (Thousand) | M = 1,000,000 (Milion) | B = 1,000,000,000 (Bilion)
2 days ago+161.97M
3 days ago+13.36M
4 days ago+131.37M
5 days ago0
6 days ago0
7 days ago0
7 days sum+470.88M

Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fishing
306 31 10 10 10 10 121 102 10

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with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
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Quests List on Dinera OTS
18/84 Quests Completed in 21%
Greenhorn Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 30 +)
Hero Quest (Pyre lvl 50 +)
Scrapper Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 50 +)
Banshee Quest (Carlin lvl 60 +)
Sam Old Backpack Quest (Kazordoon lvl 60 +)
Helmet of The Ancients Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 75 +)
Behemoth Quest (Edron lvl 80 +)
Quara Quest (Gengia lvl 80 +)
Dreamers Challenge Quest (Venore lvl 80 +)
Warlord Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 80 +)
Pits of Inferno Quest (Venore lvl 80 +)
Annihilator Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Demon Helmet Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Inquisition Quest (Edron lvl 100 +)
Demon Oak Quest (Venore lvl 120 +)
Excavation Quest (Pyre lvl 150 +)
Average Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 150 +)
Yalahari Quest (Yalahar lvl 150 +)
Underground Dragon Quest (Gengia lvl 180 +)
Constructor Quest (Vip Land lvl 200 +)
Mystical House Quest (Gengia lvl 200 +)
Strong Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 200 +)
Dark Gate Quest (Gengia lvl 200 +)
Annihilator Continuation Quest (Edron lvl 200 +)
Demonolog Quest (Vip Land lvl 220 +)
Demon Helmet Continuation Quest (Edron lvl 220 +)
Arathar Quest (Pyre lvl 240 +)
Santa Teddy Quest (Pyre lvl 250 +)
Underground Plant Quest (Vip Land lvl 250 +)
Hard Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 250 +)
Tasman Island Quest (Gengia lvl 250 +)
Dementium Quest (Oken lvl 250 +)
Amber Chamber Quest (Oken lvl 250 +)
Ruler of The Undead Quest (Vip Land lvl 260 +)
Inferno Quest (Pyre lvl 260 +)
Universe Quest (Gengia lvl 260 +)
Tactical Quest (Pyre lvl 270 +)
Horned Helmet Quest (Pyre lvl 280 +)
Military Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 280 +)
Enigmatic Quest (Vip Land lvl 280 +)
Engine Quest (Pyre lvl 280 +)
Phenomenal Quest (Vip Land lvl 280 +)
Blessed Shield Quest (Pyre lvl 300 +)
Draken Island Quest (Oken lvl 300 +)
Dragon Scale Legs Quest (Oken lvl 300 +)
Firewalker Boots Quest (Yalahar lvl 300 +)
Golden Helmet Quest (Gengia lvl 300 +)
Bunny Slippers Quest (Gengia lvl 300 +)
Dragon Scale Helmet Quest (Vip Land lvl 300 +)
Secret Underground Quest (Vip Land lvl 300 +)
Sealer Quest (Oken lvl 300 +)
Underground Hell Quest (Oken lvl 300 +)
Fantastical Quest (Oken lvl 300 +)
Annihilator Hard Quest (Edron lvl 300 +)
Mighty Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 320 +)
Galactic Quest (Gengia lvl 320 +)
Underground Jungle Quest (Oken lvl 320 +)
Lobotomy Quest (Vip Land lvl 330 +)
Chamber of Secrets Quest (Oken lvl 333 +)
Labirynt Quest (Oken lvl 340 +)
Elitary Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 350 +)
Mystical Underworld Quest (Pyre lvl 350 +)
Design Quest (Vip Land lvl 350 +)
Levitation Quest (Gengia lvl 360 +)
Emporium Quest (Vip Land lvl 380 +)
Hardcore Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 380 +)
Magnetic Quest (Vip Land lvl 380 +)
Secret Catacombs Quest (Vip Land lvl 400 +)
Underground House Quest (Vip Land lvl 400 +)
Dungeon Quest (Gengia lvl 400 +)
Tasmania Quest (Oken lvl 400 +)
Imperial Quest (Vip Land lvl 400 +)
Annihilator Hardcore Quest (Edron lvl 400 +)
Eternal Arena Quest (Svargrond lvl 420 +)
Lord of The Pharaohs Quest (Oken lvl 444 +)
The Old Mouses Quest (Vip Land lvl 450 +)
Elementium Quest (Vip Land lvl 450 +)
Secret of The King Quest (Oken lvl 500 +)
Strange Quest (Vip Land lvl 500 +)
Secret of The God Quest (Oken lvl 520 +)
King of The Pharaohs Quest (Vip Land lvl 550 +)
Champion Underworld Quest (Vip Land lvl 600 +)
Legendary Banuta Gate Quest (Port Hope lvl 777 +)
Masterpiece Quest (Vip Land lvl 800 +)
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Last Deaths
21.02.2025, 3:10:51Died at level 307 by a destroyer, by a diabolic imp, by a dark torturer, by a ghastly dragon and by a demon.
21.02.2025, 0:24:40Died at level 302 by Pythius, by a Pythius the rotten, by a diabolic imp, by a undead dragon, by a juggernaut, by a dragon, by a demon, by a dragon hatchling and by a goblin.
20.02.2025, 4:17:50Killed at level 275 by Koniec Krockopa, by Zeek, by Funky, by Druisito Pk, by Chin Relax, by Windrunner and by Funky Ff.
19.02.2025, 22:26:28Died at level 265 by a undead dragon, by a sea serpent, by a frost dragon, by a ghastly dragon and by a warlock.
19.02.2025, 21:56:28Died at level 266 by Dractus, by a fire elemental, by a demon, by a ghastly dragon, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental and by a black knight.
19.02.2025, 21:36:16Died at level 266 by a grim reaper.
19.02.2025, 21:19:34Died at level 267 by a destroyer, by a hellhound, by a diabolic imp, by a ghastly dragon, by a dark torturer, by a nightmare, by a demon, by a nightmare scion, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental and by a fire elemental.
19.02.2025, 21:17:42Died at level 267 by a nightmare, by a hellhound, by a diabolic imp, by a demon, by a dark torturer, by a ghastly dragon, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental, by a destroyer, by a nightmare scion, by a fire elemental, by a fire elemental and by a fire elemental.
19.02.2025, 19:30:29Died at level 267 by a undead dragon, by a ghastly dragon and by Twoj Wladca.
19.02.2025, 0:48:57Died at level 208 by the phantom of fire.

Last Frags
20 Feb 2025, 21:47 He fragged Dog Water at level 320. (Justified)
19 Feb 2025, 19:30 He fragged Twoj Wladca at level 267. (Justified)
19 Feb 2025, 00:34 He fragged Twoj Wladca at level 208. (Justified)

Account Information
Notations: 0
Criminal records: 0

1. Twoj PanDinera OTS293 Elder DruidOnline
2. Twoj SzefDinera OTS313 Elite KnightOnline
3. Twoj WladcaDinera OTS306 Royal PaladinOnline

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