Summoner with addons | | Warrior with addons | | Barbarian with addons | | Druid with addons | | Wizard with addons | | Oriental with addons | |
Pirate with addons | |
Assassin with addons | |
Beggar with addons | |
Shaman with addons | |
Norseman with addons | |
Nightmare with addons | |
Jester with addons | |
Brotherhood with addons | |
Demonhunter with addons | |
Yalaharian with addons | |
Warmaster with addons | |
Wedding with addons | |
Wayfarer with addons | |
Tasks | Progress | Count | 0% | 0/66 tasks |
11.12.2024, 20:21:50 | Killed at level 176 by Khamul Easterling, by Ringwraiths, by Visio, by The Undying, by Ji Inddur, by a wyrm and by a ghoul. | 11.12.2024, 19:54:24 | Died at level 176 by a wyrm, by Fortyseven and by Kolejowy Klub Sportowy. | 11.12.2024, 19:34:14 | Died at level 176 by a fury and by a wyrm. | 11.12.2024, 16:31:30 | Killed at level 171 by Dorian, by Moudy, by Atomek, by Bolek and by Fortyseven. | 11.12.2024, 16:18:25 | Killed at level 171 by Dorian, by Moudy, by Bolek and by Goblinek. | 11.12.2024, 6:41:57 | Died at level 152 by a wyrm. | 11.12.2024, 5:19:19 | Died at level 145 by a wyrm. |